Thursday, April 22, 2010

Communism and its possiblites

Communism is a tricky system, it has been proven that it needs an ideal nation to adopt the system in order to succeed. Communism is basically the idea that equality is everything and that if everyone does their own part there will be enough to go around. The communism experiment that took place and still continues to, is a search for a life that is better then capitalism. It hopes to obtain a "rely on your neighbor because he rely's on you" attitude. The first initial experiments with communism failed because of the nations lack of resources and power. Also a huge factor that made these communist countries unsuccessful was a corrupt leader or group of leaders. in my opinion, the leader of a nation is the most important part, especially in the case of communism. If a country is being lead in the wrong direction or even has any doubt in their leader it is a government that will surly fell. This is why communist nation have always had a such a struggle. Although their ethics attempt to spread the wealth their leaders and important official lack to execute. They may not take the wealth for themselves but the money used correctly. I feel that if communism was attempted with our country, their would be a very positive turnout. This is if everyone is willing to comply, the system depends on cooperation and this is usual why it faults.

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