Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Hawaii: unfairly annexed

the united states has a history of taking over lands because of their desirable qualities without any regards to the people who live there. i think that the way the united states treated the hawaiian nation was unfair. Even though hawaii as been part of the united states for years now they seem to have kept their distance from the rest of the nation and not fully assimilated to the mainland culture. I do not blame them...
What i found most ridiculous about the annexation of hawaii was the constitution written for the island in 1852. The first article states, "God hath created all men free and equal, and endowed them with certain inalienable rights; among which are life and liberty, the right of acquiring, possessing and protecting property, and of pursuing and obtaining safety and happiness." This contradicts everything that the authors are doing and had previously been doing. In my opinion it is truly say one thing and doing the opposite. Acts like this put a burden to the history of our nation, it is important that we as a nation be conscience of the actions we make in the present in order to not repeat our mistakes.

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